About the CFA NSW

The CFA supports activities for Fellows in NSW. These include the presentation of new Fellows at Government House, the New Fellows Presentation Dinner, and the Annual Dinner where recently returned Fellows are presented with their Churchill Fellowship Medallions awarded by The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.

The Churchill Fellows’ Association of NSW is an incorporated association run by a management committee of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and supporting committee members.

Talks, forums, and other activities allow this unique ‘community of Fellows’ to engage and share their Fellowship experiences and learnings.

We are always looking for presenters for Churchill Chats and hosts for Winston Walks so, if you would like to contribute to your Fellows knowledge base and enjoyment, please contact our Secretary at [email protected]

Committee Members

President Ian Krimmer
Vice President Grant Wargren
Treasurer Kevin Gardner
Secretary Carolyn Jimenez

Richard Baranski
Assoc. Prof. Elizabeth Comino
Anthony Hatch
Sarah Hope
Andrew Hurst
Dr Caron Jander
Carolyn Jimenez
Cathy Little
Raymond McCluskie
Margaret Malone
Peter Merry
Ben Newsome
Judy Saba
Phillipa Stevens
Talia Stump
Sally Sutherland
Desilee Tait
Susan Upton

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