Jane Bringolf


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Jane Bringolf has a background in community services spanning more than thirty years. A recipient of a Churchill Fellowship in 2004, Jane travelled overseas to investigate organisations pursuing universal design, accessible environments and assistive technology. She later completed a PhD in urban studies focusing on universal design in housing. Jane's nine years as Executive Director with the Independent Living Centre NSW, and more recently as Liveable Communities Project Manager with Council on the Ageing NSW, adds to her experience of working in the aged and disability sectors. As a founding director of Centre for Universal Design Australia, a registered charity, she wants to see a world where designers automatically consider the diversity of the population and create inclusive design in built environments, products, services, education and ICT. Jane also volunteers her time for several committees and working parties on this topic.


To evaluate organisations promoting the benefits of accessible environments, universal design and assistive technology with emphasis on implementation, funding initiatives and political issues

To evaluate organisations promoting the benefits of accessible environments, universal design and assistive technology with emphasis on implementation, funding initiatives and political issues

United Kingdom
Community Service
Jane Bringolf
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