About the CFA NT

The Churchill Fellows’ Association NT (CFA NT) is an incorporated association run by a committee consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and supporting committee members.

All NT-based Churchill Fellows are automatically part of the CFANT.

We are only a small Association but we aim to keep members informed, love to hear from recently returned Fellows about their Fellowship experiences and we are happy to support anyone interested in applying for a Fellowship.

Our Goals

The CFA NT aims to:

  • encourage Churchill Fellows to disseminate information about their fields of interest;
  • welcome new Fellows and provide opportunities for continued contact with other Fellows;
  • provide information about Fellowships to potential applicants;
  • assist new Fellows in any way possible.

Current Commitee

The current CFA NT committee is:

  • Jo Cruickshank (President)
  • Marlene Kranz (Vice President)
  • Kathryn Tan (Treasurer)
  • Netanela Mizrahi (Secretary)
  • Barry Russell
  • Chris Spargo
  • Ingrid Johanson
  • Nancy Devlin

The committee meets prior to upcoming events and welcomes suggestions for other activities from Fellows.

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