Nikki Huddy is the Australian Town Planner of the Year (2020-21) for her work delivering place-based solutions. Nikki is a champion for Regional development, and working in her own Planning and Community Development consultancy allows her to work with Local Governments and community groups to identify opportunities that respond to local issues and develop innovative locally relevant solutions.

Nikki is a champion for place-based solutions, and working in her own Planning and Community Development consultancy allows her to work with Local Governments and community groups, to identify opportunities and solutions that respond to local issues.

Nikki’s awards and grants speak to her passion and ability to see opportunities for great community outcomes. Her capacity to see and think strategically is the value she contributes to regional organisations.

Nikki is a Planning Institute Fellow, mentor and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at JCU. These roles demonstrate her commitment to connecting industry, research and community.

Nikki says that her best work is done in cross-disciplinary teams and over the last 5 years she has been recognised at the State and National level for her work including the National Community Wellbeing & Diversity Award for road safety programs with JUTE Theater; Improving Planning Processes Award with Terrain NRM and FNQ Regional Organisation of Councils; Public Engagement & Community Planning Award with JCU and UN Habitat; and the inaugural Outstanding Female Planner.

In the last 3 years Nikki has been part of teams that have secured $1.02 million for a 3 year Road Safety Program across Regional Queensland; and $4 million in grants for renewable energy in remote communities including Napranum, Yarrabah and the Torres Straits. Working closely with Regional communities provides opportunity to conceive and implement projects that have significant social benefit for relatively little capital outlay, this includes transport, which is a path to opportunity and where the rapid evolution of technology means it is now possible for communities to adopt new modes of transport where nothing existed before.


To examine deployment and uptake requirements of e-mobility in low income and regional communities

To examine deployment and uptake requirements of e-mobility in low income and regional communities

Land, Commerce and Logistics
Nikki Huddy
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