Fantastic Forum!

28 Mar 2021

Fantastic Forum! featured image
1994 Churchill Fellow Robert Parker

The CFA in conjunction with Her Excellency, the Governor of Tasmania Kate Warner AC and her husband Richard Warner CF 1999 hosted a forum at Government House Hobart on Monday 22 March 2021.

Leaders in industry, business and voluntary agencies were invited to attend and learn more about the richness of Churchill Fellowships and how the knowledge Fellows obtain can enrich our community.

Speakers included Richard Warner, Nick Haddow, Zoe Rimmer, Stephen Geason and Hazel MacTavish-West with the round up and Q & A was handled by Churchill Trust CEO Adam Davey.

We are always very appreciative of Her Excellency’s hospitality.

Zoe Rimmer CF2013, Nick Haddow CF2012, Hazel McTavish-West CF2017, Steven Geason CF2015
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