Babies and children in court deserve better

14 Jun 2023

Babies and children in court deserve better featured image

Churchill Fellow Matt Wilson is calling for improved court support for babies and children in his newly released report, and is urging the establishment of a Specialist Infant Court pilot program, along with vital reforms and consultations with First Nations communities.

Matt said: “The wellbeing and care of babies and children are paramount, as they are our most vulnerable and deserving of our utmost attention and protection,”

Matt Wilson recently returned from the USA and UK to investigate innovative court-based approaches to infants in care and protection proceedings.

“Current Australian approaches lack expert understanding of parent-child relationships, hindering interventions in out-of-home care,” said Matt.

Matt’s Churchill Fellowship in the USA and UK exposes shortcomings in current Australian approaches, hindering interventions in out-of-home care. Matt has recently released his report which highlights the effectiveness of Child-Parent Psychotherapy and solution-focused specialist infant courts, resulting in quicker exits from care and reduced abuse.

The welfare of our most vulnerable children deserves utmost attention and protection.

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