Amanda Wilson


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Amanda Wilson has seen how helping adults improve their reading and writing skills transforms lives and opens opportunities for better employment, health, and community connections.

As a volunteer adult literacy tutor with Libraries Tasmania, Amanda has more than a decade of experience supporting adults to achieve their learning goals. She completed training in Tutoring Adult Learners, is an active participant in her regional professional development program for literacy tutors and is a member of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy, Adult Learning Australia, and a Neurodiversity Community of Practice.

Amanda is inspired by the courage and determination of her students and is motivated to help make every learning experience as successful, easy, and enjoyable as possible. She recognises that reducing adults’ psychological barriers associated with learning is as important as overcoming physical barriers that prevent individuals from reaching their potential.

Amanda’s love of reading sparked her initial interest in adult literacy tutoring. The admiration and respect felt for her students drives her to make it easier for adults to achieve their goals and discover joy in learning.

Amanda holds a Bachelor of Business (Hons) from RMIT University and enjoyed a national and international career in communications and project management before establishing a family farm in Northwest Tasmania in 2012.


The Gallaugher Bequest Churchill Fellowship to study literacy education methods that help adults overcome psychological barriers to learning

The Gallaugher Bequest Churchill Fellowship to study literacy education methods that help adults overcome psychological barriers to learning

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Amanda Wilson

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