Amber Collins


Amber Collins featured image

Amber has spent over 25 years in commercial and professional services environments across the UK, USA and Australia and is passionate about how people consume media and communications. Amber started her career at Saatchi & Saatchi London before moving into brand consultancy at Interbrand UK and USA where she saw first-hand the cultural and community impact that commercial and public service messaging and branding can have.

Upon returning to Australia Amber worked at Coles as General Manager Marketing leading product, media, digital, sponsorships and campaigns. Responsible for one of the largest marketing budgets in the country Amber has seen the media landscape develop and diversify rapidly with investment moving to digital channels and has observed the implications and potential this has on consumer behaviour and consumption. At Coles she was also a member of the Accessibility Committee.

Most recently Amber was Chief Marketing Officer at Australia Post responsible for the consumer, community and business portfolios. Here Amber and her team made a commitment to improving the accessibility of communications across multiple channels, increasing the organisation’s Accessibility and Inclusion index and establishing Australia Post as a leading practitioner of accessible communications.

Amber has a Bachelor of Arts and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She sits on the board of Foodbank Victoria where she is also Chair of the Nominations & Governance Committee.

Amber speaks and commentates widely on marketing and workplace issues and has a passion for the transformative power of digital for people with disability, spurred on by one of her three children who is blind.


To investigate practices to increase accessibility of digital media for people with disability

To investigate practices to increase accessibility of digital media for people with disability

United Kingdom
Amber Collins

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