Michael Stephen McSweeney


Michael Stephen McSweeney featured image

My Interest in Theatre

I am from a large, noisy musical family and my mother and sister both taught piano and voice. Some of my earliest memories are of my family participating in theatre in Armidale N.S.W. and amateur theatre and stage and choral performance experiences continuing throughout my youth. 


Sixteen years ago my own family moved to Tumut, and I joined the local theatre as an usher for their weekly showing of a film. Nothing was happening on the stage there and I asked ‘why not?’ and the question was put back to me “What are you going to do?” Since then I have been blessed to write, produce and act in locally-based plays (and a movie). Expertise was never in excess but enthusiasm was, sometimes having 55 or more actors in one show.


The Blakeney Millar Foundation Churchill Fellowship to study ways of engaging isolated people through local theatre in small communities

The Blakeney Millar Foundation Churchill Fellowship to study ways of engaging isolated people through local theatre in small communities

New Zealand
The Arts
Community Service
Michael Stephen McSweeney

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