Niamh Chapman


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Niamh Chapman wants to ensure that high-quality educational resources are widely available to improve the management of blood pressure. In Australia, 1 in 3 adults have high blood pressure. Yet, only 32% have it managed effectively (<140/90 mmHg) to reduce the risk of long-term consequences including stroke, dementia and heart disease, despite effective and affordable medications.

Regular monitoring and reporting to healthcare providers are key to effective blood pressure management. Appropriate education is required to provide people with the knowledge and skills necessary to measure their blood pressure and engage in management. Despite this need, there is a lack of appropriate resources to deliver education in practice.

Niamh’s goal is to create a ‘BP Toolkit’ of educational resources to support people to actively engage in the management of their blood pressure. As a Churchill Fellow, Niamh will visit Canada, the United States, Mexico, Cuba and United Kingdom to meet with patients, healthcare providers and policy makers with world-leading approaches to blood pressure management.

Dr Niamh Chapman is a Senior Research Fellow, University of Sydney. Niamh holds national and international leadership positions as Chair of both the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance Emerging Leaders Committee and International Society of Hypertension Women in Hypertension Research Committee. Niamh moved to Tasmania in 2016 to complete her PhD at the Menzies Institute, University of Tasmania where she worked until May 2023 and maintains a deep connection to Tasmania, as Adjunct Senior Research Fellow. Niamh has a passion for community engagement, education and communication, recognised as the 2021 ‘STEM Communicator of the Year’ at the Tasmanian STEM excellence awards. During her time in Tasmania, she founded ‘That’s What I Call Science’ on Edge Radio, which is now aired nationwide and received national recognition as a finalist in the Eureka Awards for STEM Inclusion. 


To educate people to measure blood pressure at home to prevent heart disease

To educate people to measure blood pressure at home to prevent heart disease

Health and Medicine
Niamh Chapman

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