Prue is a highly experienced Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) consultant and social worker with over two decades of expertise in child protection and out-of-home care, including adoption and permanent care. Her interest in FASD began during her work with children in the care system in Victoria and the Northern Territory, where she developed a keen interest in understanding and addressing the needs of individuals affected by FASD. In 2009, she travelled to the US and Canada on a Churchill Fellowship, investigating models of care for children with FASD in out-of-home care. Prue has delivered many workshops and presentations on FASD and provides consulting services to organisations and care teams. She is a member of the FASD Guideline Development Group, the Victorian FASD Special Interest Group, and a senior social worker at the Victorian Fetal Alcohol Service (VicFAS) diagnostic clinic at Monash Children’s Hospital.


To investigate models of care for children with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

To investigate models of care for children with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

Health and Medicine
Community Service
Prue Walker

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