Selena Pertzel


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Having grown up on the Gold Coast, Selena always had a passion for all things Theatre and Film.

After completing her hairdressing apprenticeship she saw the opportunity to mix her passion & hairdressing skills together. Completing her Diploma in Cinemagraphic Makeup at The Frampton Institute in 2001, she up and moved to Melbourne to pursue her dream of become a Hair and Makeup artist in the Film and TV world.

Since 2001, Selena has worked on many local & international productions such as Preacher,

Kong: Skull Island, Mortal Kombat, Elvis etc

Over the years, Selena has continued to follow her passion & consistently striving to improve her skill set & develop into areas she felt could have more attention. Having worked with wigs, consistently throughout her career, she saw how much of a vital role that played in character development. And the skill of wig making wasn’t something taught or easily accessible in Australia.

So, in November, Selena is heading of to London to study the trade of wig and postiche making, so as to be able to contribute those skills to the film and TV Industry back home in Australia


The Stuart and Norma Leslie Churchill Fellowship to learn the latest techniques in wig and facial hair making, fitting and dressing

The Stuart and Norma Leslie Churchill Fellowship to learn the latest techniques in wig and facial hair making, fitting and dressing

United Kingdom
The Arts
Selena Pertzel

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