Stephanie Woerde


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I am a big believer in the important nexus between culturally responsive early years educational development and community development more broadly. I enjoy engaging in critical applied research activities and deep community-level consultation and collaboration. Having had the great pleasure and privilege of working in the Indigenous education and language revitalisation space for several years, I am a strong advocate for acknowledging the continuing significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions, and working towards a brighter future of reconciliation for Australia. A career highlight has been supporting the establishment of Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring’s Miriwoong Language Nest program - an innovative, immersion-based Indigenous language education and revitalisation initiative, now delivered hundreds of children in the Kununurra area. As well as bolstering children’s Miriwoong linguistic skill development, the program also works to foster strengthened socio-emotional development and self-esteem; increased inter-cultural awareness, empathy and respect; and wider educational engagement and achievement potential among all children involved. While maintaining a strong connection with the Miriwoong Language Nest team, I currently enjoy working with Reconciliation Australia’s Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education team, supporting teachers and educators across Australia to develop environments that foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions.


The Peter Mitchell Churchill Fellowship to inspire best practice in the design/implementation of Language Nest-style programs in Australia

The Peter Mitchell Churchill Fellowship to inspire best practice in the design/implementation of Language Nest-style programs in Australia

New Zealand
Stephanie Woerde

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