The Dr Dorothea Sandars and Irene Lee Churchill Fellowship to improve access to primary healthcare and palliative care for people living in homelessness & poverty

United Kingdom
Health and Medicine
The Dr Dorothea Sandars and Irene Lee Churchill Fellowship to improve access to primary healthcare and palliative care for people living in homelessness & poverty featured image
Explore current international best practice models of primary healthcare & palliative care for people experiencing homelessness, complex vulnerability and poverty in Australia. Investigate innovative outreach health models, including technologies used to provide optimal health diagnostics and patient outcomes, pharmacy/Doctor/Nurse/mobile/telehealth led street care philosophies, and best practice palliative care for homeless persons to break down barriers & create access to those not attending mainstream healthcare institutions. To seek evidence based care that can be applied to vulnerable Australians & break through to create strong, equitable access to trauma informed primary & palliative healthcare.


Sonia Martin

Sonia Martin


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