The Richard Rischbieth Churchill Fellowship to expand my knowledge and experience of seaweed production in an ocean based environment

Land, Commerce and Logistics
The Richard Rischbieth Churchill Fellowship to expand my knowledge and experience of seaweed production in an ocean based environment featured image
Australia has a diverse seaweed population that has huge potential to be developed into a new aquaculture industry. To date there has not been an obvious market for ocean based seaweed production in Australia, but that is changing due to an environmentally conscious population. Seaweed production proves to be environmentally beneficial when grown in areas that have existing aquaculture that generates high nutrient levels in surrounding tidal flow. It has also proven to reduce methane gas produced by cattle when utilised as a feed supplement. The science behind the the use of seaweed exists & is well documented but the ability to commercialise it in an aquaculture setting is lacking within Australia.


Andrew Christian

Andrew Christian


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