To increase quality of life, community and schooling outcomes for adolescents with chronic pain and fatigue

United Kingdom
Health and Medicine
To increase quality of life, community and schooling outcomes for adolescents with chronic pain and fatigue featured image

As the only chronic pain liaison teacher embedded in a pain program in Australia, I developed the following Churchill Fellowship goals to help increase the outcomes for all young Australians:

1. To meet, observe and learn more about the people and processes in paediatric pain programs around the world

2. To learn more about specific strategies and resources that improve school reintegration after long chronic pain absences

3. To explore how education and health teams work together to improve outcomes

There is no magic cure for chronic pain – sadly, there is no pill or medicine. It takes hard work from the young person, their family, their multidisciplinary pain team and also their school to enhance recovery and educational outcomes. It is for this reason that it is so important pain programs prioritise school liaison opportunities, incorporate school exposure activities and that schools receive the information and guidance they need regarding how best to support a young person with chronic pain in the school setting.

Download Leasa's Executive Summary here, and Fellowship Report via the button above for further reading.


Leasa Ashton

Leasa Ashton


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