To investigate and design new, innovative approaches to grow and market Indigenous tourism experiences

New Zealand
To investigate and design new, innovative approaches to grow and market Indigenous tourism experiences featured image

Lessons, Conclusions and Implementation: In undertaking my Churchill Fellowship, I set out to understand the approaches of New Zealand, the USA and Canada to Indigenous tourism, and how those approaches resulted in higher levels of participation by international visitors.

I hoped to learn about innovative ways of marketing Indigenous experiences. However, I believe their success is not due to marketing alone. Instead, the greatest impact lies in the way the Indigenous tourism industry is structured, and how that system supports Indigenous entrepreneurs and communities.

Indigenous tourism requires a delicate balance of supply and demand. Until the supply side of Indigenous tourism is working well, it will be difficult for organisations such as Tourism Australia, state and territory tourism organisations, and regional tourism organisations to effectively create demand for the sector.

Keywords: Indigenous tourism, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism, First Nations tourism, National Parks, Tourism marketing, Tourism development, Tourism experiences.


Kathryn Morton

Kathryn Morton


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