To investigate evidence based interventions for maximising gross motor outcomes in children with cerebral palsy

United Kingdom
Health and Medicine
To investigate evidence based interventions for maximising gross motor outcomes in children with cerebral palsy featured image


  • Connecting with so many national and international colleagues in Stockholm and beyond and being inspired by a shared passion for supporting people with cerebral palsy (CP).
  • Seeing the contribution that Australia and Cerebral Palsy Alliance makes to the international community through research and leadership. Discovering race running and the potential opportunity this offers for Australians with disability.
  • Having an opportunity to attend the HABIT-ILE camp with Yannick Bleyenheuft and her amazing team - watching the progress made by a little girl who had never had access to functional, goal directed therapy before and the difference the camp made to her function.

Major lessons:

  • Intensive motor learning based approaches such as HABIT-ILE result in significant motor outcomes for children with CP and ongoing research is required to determine the optimal dosage.
  • Children with CP require support from a number of rehabilitation approaches to ensure their health and function are maximised and supported as they grow. Musculoskeletal growth and development cannot be ignored in preference for functional outcomes as the two are closely linked and prevention of secondary musculoskeletal deformities should be considered an equal priority.


Australia is a lucky country where the utilisation of evidence based, functional, goal directed therapy is considered the norm for children with CP and where a culture of innovation which welcomes new ways of delivering services, thrives. HABIT-ILE is an intervention approach that is grounded within contemporary understanding of neuroscience and rehabilitation for children with CP and offers many possibilities for Australian children. Ongoing efforts are required to ensure evidence based interventions are translated from the research space into clinical practice and become ‘usual care’ for the benefit of all.


Prue Golland

Prue Golland


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