To learn how to best build an organisation to grow the power of renters to advocate for social change

United Kingdom
Community Service
To learn how to best build an organisation to grow the power of renters to advocate for social change featured image

As the number of renters has grown in Anglophone countries around the world, civil society organisations have sprung up to organise renters to advocate for improved rights. In the US, UK and NZ, such organisations are combining old and new approaches to build community capacity to advocate for policy change. I want to spend time working with and learning from these organisations and their leaders.

I am interested in learning:

What issues have they chosen to focus on, and why?

What tactics and strategies have been most successful, and what hasnÕt worked?

How they have engaged renters at a grassroots level and developed their leadership?

What is their business model? How do they fund their operations?


Joel Augustine Dignam

Joel Augustine Dignam


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