To study and discuss the effectiveness of regulatory measures for the control of childrens' television

To study and discuss the effectiveness of regulatory measures for the control of childrens' television featured image

My ongoing project since my overseas study has been to promote the healthy use of screens for children; to advocate for quality media content for children and for the prevention of exploitative commercial practices.


This has involved ongoing reviews of research in the field; dissemination of reliable information to parents (including child-development-based reviews of media content) and to professionals and policymakers; advocacy to the government to defend children’s rights as media consumers.  


Priority activities at present include raising community awareness of the influence of screens on children’s development; the protection of children’s privacy as screen users; the need for a research-based national classification system; and the loss of regulatory measures that promoted the production of quality Australian media for children.   



Barbara Biggins

Barbara Biggins


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