To improve organisational inclusion and fully leverage the diversity employed in fire agencies

United Kingdom
Public Service
Community Service
To improve organisational inclusion and fully leverage the diversity employed in fire agencies featured image
Overview of Findings & Recommendations: There were many findings resulting from my travel; some reframing EDI narratives, many highlighting best practices for EMSOs, many observations of workplace culture and; the progress and adaptation for the future of work. Below are only a few key findings. The full report is more detailed and extrapolates key finding by countries. Proof the acceptance of EDI in ESMOs is greatly influenced by the socio-political and cultural contexts. EDI is at heart a political practice. Inclusion needs to exist before diversity and equity can thrive. EDI is best served by collaborative practice not competition. Many EMSOs utilise holistic approaches creating wider, more inclusive strategic practice. Proof the quality of leadership has a direct correlation on the success of an organisation’s EDI progress and the mitigation of risk and backlash. EMSOs have a unique and rigid mythology of merit Not having effective EDI is risky business. Implementing EDI incorrectly is as risky. EDI is dangerous work when progressing practice in a hostile or immature environment. EDI co-exists with its dark sibling, Backlash which prompts acts of resistance in workplaces Practitioners and committed champions are at risk of burnout. Priming a culture with clear messages assists successful EDI traction in an organisation. Language is important. When abused through the lens of privilege it is a form of violence. EDI in workplaces benefits everyone not just those who are “different”. EDI progress correlates positively to enhanced community engagement and public safety outcomes for EMSOs. Summary of Recommendations To expand and evolve EDI practice to become better interconnected with business and community expectations Create an external and independent Government monitoring body to benchmark and monitor the EDI challenges and progress for EMSOs. Establish inclusive working environments and cultures FIRST to enable authentic EDI activities and progress on a fair and equitable platform.EDI needs to be heard directly by leaders not filtered up through a prototypical hierarchy. Improve operational design at the frontline: Stations, PPE & inclusive workplace cultural design Provide Safety and Wellbeing programs supporting inclusion, psychological safety and link this to the EDI agenda within EMSOs EDI and public trust grow simultaneously for EMSOs, futureproofing the organisation and further building public safety. Keywords: Inclusion, equity, diversity, leadership, workplace culture, organisational development, firefighter, emergency management, response, EMDDIPA, emergency services, progress, change management, covering


Sonja Braidner

Sonja Braidner


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